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Pubg mobile kr version free apk+obb download

  PUBG MOBILE KOREAN {LATEST} VERSION FREE DOWNLOAD In this article ·       Description. ·       Introduction of apk. ·...



In this article

·      Description.

·      Introduction of apk.

·      Features of apk.

·      Download process.

·      Related posts.


Description of pubg mobile kr {up to date} version download free apk

PUBG MOBILE Korean or china version is one of the games that allow the users of only the registered country. The game is also known as game for peace because it detects the hackers in lobby and kicks out them or banned them. The most attractive feature of the game is its graphic system that has the 1090 mega primal displayed system. The game was updated year by year to make it ideal for its users.

The game allows the gamers of its registered country .the most UN believable feature of the game is its high damage system yes! Low damage system, we can kill a single squared in one reloading bullets.

The second feature is its high quality graphics that provide as real image for gamers. The game was firstly launched in china therefore it is also known as Chinese version game.

The most attractive and amazing feature of game includes the anti banned system that is very fast as fast as light because it detect the hacker in lobby and give warning to the hacker and some time directly banned them from the game.

Some of the most amazing features of game are as below
features of the game

·       Very fast anti banned system that detect the hacker in seconds.

·       Extreme ultra graphic designed game.

·       High damage feature.

·       High point increase in normal game.


The game was full hdr supported therefore it cannot work properly in the simple devices. Because of its graphics it can popular over the world.

The game was not launched in many countries therefore the game does not run in some countries, but by using the VPN system we can easily operate the game.

If you are interested in such battle royal games. I recommended the most best and suitable game that is pubg (player unknown battle royal) Korean version game. The game was unavailable in play store because it was not global registered game but don’t worried we are here to provide you the facility of download this APK.

IF your country is not registered with the Korean version of pubg mobile game please use VPN to operate its system and to play the game.

If you were interested in the pubg mobile Korean version please download it from the given download button below the corner .thanks

Thanks guys



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